Tuesday 12 October 2010

In the private sector we just have to get on with it

It's a tough business environment out there at the moment.

No surprises, of course, with everyone cutting back in anticipation of "the cuts" that will undoubtedly affect all of us in one way or another.

In the private sector we just have to get on with it.

Which is why it is very frustrating to hear the unions perking up and threatening strikes and all the rest of it. It won't help the economy. In fact, at times, it sounds like petty politics. Yes, cuts will hit us ALL hard. But, despite what the unions make think, there's no divine right to a job and an income.

In the private sector we have to fight for every sale. We also have to fight to ensure our businesses keep going, hoping to expand them and create employment opportunities for others. Even if we can't do that, then every sale and every purchase we make as part of our business helps to grow the economy.

Strikes do not.

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