Monday, 22 November 2010

We'll never run out of ideas

Having a big idea for a new business is what we are all looking for. The TV programme 'Dragons' Den' is all about this, as the so-called dragons trawl through the big ideas of the would-be entrepreneurs.

I was talking to someone the other day who seemed to think that all the ideas had been dreamt up already.

This is not correct and never will be.

Think back to, say, 1980. What major inventions have we had in the 30 years since then?

Take PCs and the World Wide Web as two major examples. The first eventually spawned the second and between they have given the platform for almost all of us to start up and run our own businesses, which for most would have been impossible before 1980.

So, there are always new ideas to be had. They may not all be on the scale of PCs and www, but you can form your own niche.

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