Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Small businesses must look to save energy

I was asked to complete a business survey online yesterday. I was happy to do it because I know the company - Vanson Bourne - and they provide good incentives too.

One strand of the questioning was about small businesses and energy saving.

I am lucky in that I run my business operations from home, so my carbon footprint must be low (I've never worked it out!), with few car journeys, for example.

With the current recession, climate change and energy savings have taken a back seat, especially for small businesses, but I have little doubt that as we emerge from the recession, they will take on increasing importance.

There is, of course, the issue of "saving the world", so that any reduction of carbon emissions will be a good thing. It's a fundamental truth.

For small businesses, there will be two other key points.

The first is that any saving in energy will mean a saving in money, and as we struggle out of the recession, such savings will be important. Simple survival has been more critical in the last 12 months, but this will change henceforth.

The second is that as the really bad times are left behind, people's attention will turn once again to environmental issues. The businesses that can demonstrate that they are aware of and addressing these matters will get a "thumbs up" from customers and fare better than those who do not.

It's a good time to start looking at these issues right now.

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